Bard Spells
0 level Bard Spells
Quill. Creats a writing quill with limitless ink
Shelve. Places a book back on its shelf in the proper place.
Summarize. Summarizes the contents of any book.
1st-level Bard Spells
Jester's Gift. Angers any one creature with an Intelligence greater than 2 into attacking you.
Immobilize. Renders constructs unable to move.
2nd-level Bard Spells
Gandar's Chatterbox. Nearby object grows lips and begins chattering incessantly.
Inspire. Grants allies a +2 morale bonus to Reflex saves and a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Cleric Spells
0 level Cleric Spells
Shelve. Places a book back on its shelf in the proper place.
Summarize. Summarizes the contents of any book.
2nd-level Cleric Spells
Fleet Feet. Adds 10 ft. to the land movement speed of target creatures
3rd-level Cleric Spells
Rescue. Teleports an ally in need to your side.
Druid Spells
1st-level Druid Spells
Whirlwind of Ice. Causes 1d4 slashing and 1d4 cold damage to creatures within the area.
2nd-level Druid Spells
Fleet Feet. Adds 10 ft. to the land movement speed of target creatures
3rd-level Druid Spells
Rescue. Teleports an ally in need to your side.
Sorceror and Wizard Spells
0 level Sorceror and Wizard Spells
Conjurer's Toolbelt. Conjurs and small tool for 1 minute/level.
Quill. Creats a writing quill with limitless ink
Shelve. Places a book back on its shelf in the proper place.
Summarize. Summarizes the contents of any book.
2nd-level Sorceror and Wizard Spells
Jester's Gift. Angers any one creature with an Intelligence greater than 2 into attacking you.
Protect Book. Target book gains DR 5/- versus elemental damage and slows the books aging.
3rd-level Sorceror and Wizard Spells
Dessicate. Causes wooden objects to become dry and brittle.
Gandar's Chatterbox. Nearby object grows lips and begins chattering incessantly.
Immobilize. Renders constructs unable to move.
5th-level Sorceror and Wizard Spells
Bandersnatch. Transforms a normal bag into a magical trap