In addition to flaws from various sites, we are using the following altered or new flaws for our game.
Also, at the DM's discretion, the drawback for any flaw can be temporarily negated "pushed back" for the price of one action point. The duration the drawback ceases to effect the player, or if it can be quelled by an action point, vary from flaw to flaw, and should be decided by the DM before play begins.
Chivalrous Courtesy
You despise raising your hand against creatures of the opposite gender.
Prerequisite: Male, good or lawful alignment.
Effect: You suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls to hit a creature you can tell is of the opposite gender. For Warforged, the character is effected for attacking female personality Warforged. Shapechangers (Changelings) incur the player a penalty if they are currently assuming a female persona. If, however, the player knows the shapechanger to be truely male, they may ignore the penalty.
You are disorganized and clutter seems to follow you where ever you go.
Prerequisite: None
Effect: When taking an object out to hold during combat (ex. Sword, potion, coin ect.) roll 1d20. On a roll resulting in a number above a 5, taking the desired item out is a normal standard action. However if lower than a 5, the character instead uses their standard action to pull out a randomly decided undesired item. On a critical 1 the character drops all items into his square, other than the clothing or armor equipped to his person (Backpacks and things held in pockets do not count as "equipped".)
Note: Recommended for Artificers (lol!)
Many times you don't have it in your heart to kill.
Prerequisite: Good or lawful alignment.
Effect Whenever your character is in combat and delivers a blow to an enemy that brings it below 0 hit points and dying, but not killed, you must make a Will save (DC 15 + 1/2 your character level) or be forced to attempt to stabilize that enemy immediately. You gain a +2 bonus on this saving throw for every additional enemy you can see, or are aware of within 30 feet, and a +4 bonus whenever stabilizing that enemy would be obviously dangerous to yourself or others, or outright suicidal.
Note: A DM may rule to ignore this for mass combat, or when fighting foes that are clearly evil. It is encouraged, however, to force a Will safe whenever it would inconvenience the party in a crucial moment — for maximum effect.
Responsible Parent
You have been blessed with a young child, and are going to raise them to the best of your abilities
Prerequisite: Biological or adopted son or daughter
Effect: You have a son or daughter that accompanies you wherever you travel. Although you would rather not bring them with you as you travel the path of an adventurer, it is either inevitable or safer than leaving them elsewhere. Because of this, you may treat your child as a size tiny or small creature that voluntarily will always occupy the same square as you unless instructed otherwise. If you have a child two size categories or more smaller than you (e.g. medium with a tiny child), you may treat your child as if it was a familiar and you had the Lurking Familiar feat, granting your child cover from all attacks while occupying your square. Your child has a unique class level equal to your own -3, and before he/she is granted her first "level" is treated as CR 1/8th creature (stats determined by the DM). The child is roleplayed at all times by the DM, and acts in a way that a child would (usually retreating from combat, and crying out when something scary occurs).
If your child is ever attacked, you become reckless in their defense. On your next action, you must target the enemy that hurt your child, attacking with either a weapon or a damaging spell (whichever appropriate). You gain +2 to your attack rolls this turn, or +2 to the DC for your spell cast, but suffer a -4 to AC as you wildly lash out with parental rage. If your child drops below 0 HP but is still alive, you are granted the feat Diehard until the child is either healed above 0 or dies. When either occurs, you loose the benefits of the feat, falling unconscious if your HP is below 0 at the time. If your child dies, you go into intense grieving, and are considered to be shaken until the child is brought back to life or laid to rest. If the enemy that killed your child is identifiable, they become your sole target this combat. You are granted the same +2 to attacks or DCs against them, and an additional +2 to damage dealt, and still suffer the -4 to AC until the combat ends. If the enemy escapes or you fail to defeat them, your life becomes a hollow shell of what it once was, and you incur a lesser form of being shaken (-1 instead of -2) until they are brought to justice or killed. The only other way to remove this penalty is to revive the child (laying them to rest does nothing to allay this penalty).
Note: This flaw requires a huge commitment from both the player and the DM, and is recommended to be used only if both are willing to fully incorporate the NPC into the game. At no point should the inclusion of this NPC result as the only means to complete a goal or as a replacement for another player, if that occurs, the child should be restructured to be less effective (DM's ruling).
You are quite small for your size.
Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or lower, taken at first level.
Effect: You reduce your current size category by one or two, depending on how tiny you wish to be. Adjust attributes for reduction as follows (-2 str, +2 dex), as well as penalties for grappling, size modifiers on hide, AC, attack, etc, per size category reduced.
Note: This flaw may be used for younger characters, and can be removed as they age (DM's approval). When they reach a new size category naturally (not via a spell or item effect), a new flaw must be taken immediately, and must follow into how the character has been played thus far throughout the game.